Sunday, January 27, 2008


Does God Exist Scientifically?
"Does God Exist?" A person's foundational worldview is determined by how you answer the question. Review the scientific and mathematical evidence for God's existence and make a decision.

Big Bang Theory Video: Stream this short video on the big bang theory. Explore alternatives to our ultimate question of origins. Where did life come from?
Intelligent Design Video: Watch this extraordinary video clip of mechanical and biological machines. See the fantastic complexity of life at the molecular level. Does it point to an act of random evolution or design? What do the triple PhD's and experts think about this?
Evolution of Man Video: Who was Darwin and what are the arguments regarding his theory? What is natural selection and how does it play into what Charles Darwin believed?
Does God Exist: Based on the latest scientific evidence, has atheism become a greater leap of faith than theism? Check out the evidence for the existence of God here!
God The Creator: Read a lyrical commentary of God's creation of the universe and mankind. What was space like before creation and after?
Charles Darwin Video: Watch this short video clip on Charles Darwin and his infamous theory of evolution. Discover the truth today!
Theory Of Relativity Video: Watch this amazing video clip on the incredible number of perfect settings required to sustain life on our planet. Could all of these factors happened by chance?
Origin of Life Video: Stream this short video clip on the huge question of origins. Do you know what you believe and can you back it up with evidence?
DNA Double Helix Video: Watch this awesome video clip of the spinning DNA double helix. Does it point to an act of random evolution or intelligent design? See the process of transcription and translation. You be the judge. What do the experts think?
Origin of Species Video: Check out this incredible video clip of the Lampsillis Mussle. Is there a logical explanation for how evolution could explain the creation of this mussle?
Second Law of Thermodynamics Video: Watch this awesome video clip on the huge number of perfect settings needed to sustain life on earth. Are these things random happenstance or designed? You decide!
Darwin's Theory of Evolution Video: Stream a short video on this theory. See the incredible advances we've made in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics since Charles Darwin.
Microscopic Organisms: If the first, simple organisms created on prebiotic earth are at the foundation of evolutionary thinking, then what's a "simple" organism?
Dragon History: What do the stories of dragons tell us about the history of dinosaurs in our past?
Proof Of God: What would constitute evidence for God? Using fundamental design detection methodology, check out the incredible evidence for Intelligent Design now!
Evolution And The Fossil Record: Ramapithecus was recognized as a direct ancestor of humans. It is now established that he was merely an extinct type of orangutan.
Human Evolution: A look at the history and controversy surrounding the missing link evidence.
Geologic Time Scale: What is the geologic column? What does it really say about our world?
Radiometric Dating: A questionable method for establishing the old age of rocks. The unreliable basis for the Geologic Time Scale of earth.
Origin Of Life: Science and technology have revealed organic complexity and information code inherent in living systems that can not be spontaneously produced.
Evolution Of Man: Discover the facts about microevolution, natural selection, and speciation - the three major principles of this theory. What is the evidence?
Fossil Record: If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking closely together all the species of the same group, must assuredly have existed.
Piltdown Man: Are there really lies and mistakes in our textbooks?
Spontaneous Generation: First Life. 21st century science and technology are revealing things that can't be explained through merely assumed physical processes.
How Old Is The Earth?: Does science really conflict with what the Bible tells us about our history?
DNA Double Helix: The complex structure that dictates everything in all living systems.
Dinosaur Extinction: What caused the dinosaurs to totally vanish from our planet?
Charles Darwin: His Evolutionary Theory of Origins. His family background and education. The HMS Beagle and Origin of Species. His lasting effect.
Creation Vs. Evolution: A hot debate within our culture today that sheds light on core values.
Miracle Of Life: The probability of life arising by chance is comparable to 1050 blind people solving a Rubik's Cube at the same moment.
Darwin's Theory Of Evolution: A look at the original theory and its latest variations.
Origin Of The Universe: What do we know about the beginning of space, time and matter?
Cell Structure: Is there really such a thing as "simple," now that we can view cells using the latest in microbiological technology?
Intelligent Design: Does the order and complexity inherent in our universe require an Intelligent Source?
The Flood: The biblical accout. The geologic, historic and manuscript evidence.
Intelligent Design Theory: Complexity and design. If we shed our prior preconceptions and logically examine our organic world, we start to see things differently.
Age Of Earth: "Old earth" vs. "young earth" -- check out some of the evidence here!
Evolutionism: An overall picture of the evolutionary world-view and its various assumed stages. Discover the truth now.
All About Science: How did the world begin? What is the origin of life? How do these ideas play into your everyday life on earth?
Uniformitarianism: With the paradigm shift which followed Lyell's classic Principles of Geology, Catastrophism gave way to this doctrine of extreme gradualism.
Charles Darwin: Natural Selection, in conjunction with genetic mutation, allowed for the development of all species from a common ancestor.
Problems With The Fossil Record: Roughly 150 years after Darwin proposed his theory, we know that the fossil record doesn't provide the support Darwin himself required.
Creation Evidence: Is there really any evidence for supernatural creation? Check it out for yourself!
Big Bang Theory: What premise is this based upon? What are the evidences and common misconceptions? What is the scientific community saying?
Irreducible Complexity: Like a mechanical motor, each part in the microscopic motor in a bacterium is absolutely necessary for the whole to function.
The Dinosaur Fossils: Early definitions and discoveries. Fossilization process, controversial dating methods, the geologic column, and the extinction theories; younger than we think?
Origin Of The Universe: Bang -- There was an initial explosion of a primordial atom which had contained all the matter in the universe.
Creation Vs. Evolution: A look at the public schools and the popular media when it comes to this debate.
Origin Of Species: The book and theory that changed the way we think about life origins.
All About The Journey: Read the story of one man who challenged his long-held preconceptions about life, purpose, and meaning. What is his conclusion?
Evidence For Evolution: What does the fossil record tell us about the 150-year-old theory?
Theory Of Relativity: A theory intended to describe physical laws of the universe alone, not philosophy, religion or God.
Origin Of Life: What was the cause of first life on earth? What does the latest DNA evidence tell us?
DNA Molecule: The DNA molecule is an intricate message system. To claim DNA arose randomly is to claim information can develop randomly.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: A look at the scientific definitions and applications in our cosmos.
The Age Of The Earth Part 2: What does the fossil record tell us about the earth's geologic history?
The Age Of The Earth: How do scientists truly determine the age of our earth? Check out the evidence for yourself.
Carbon Dating: How do scientists use this relatively rare radioactive isotope to determine how long ago an organic specimen died? Find out more.
Human Eye: The simultaneous development of all the structures for sight is unavoidable. Since parts that develop separately cannot be used.
Evolution Vs. Creation: The Great Debate over the Model of Origins: the theories, contentions, and evidence. The lack of evidence and the resolution.
Creation Of Life: With no information code to tie biological components together, you have nothing resembling any kind of self-existing organism.
Evidence For Intelligent Design: A living organism fulfills the definition of an engineered machine all the way down to the molecular level.
All About Creation: Research various accounts from Adam and Eve to evidence for evolution. Make an informed decision on the origin of life.
Catastrophism: What does our earth reveal about our geologic history?
Theory Of Evolution: There were at least five fundamental stages of evolution that were required prior to any possibility of organic life.
Anthropic Principle Video: What does the fine-tuning inherent in our universe say about the Big Bang, Origin of Life, and other theories? Stream this short video clip now!
Watch Design Video: Does William Paley's classic comparison of an organic cell to watch design apply in today's Intelligent Design debate? View this short video now!
Existence of God Video: Can we make a case for God's reality? Can we use scientific evidence to prove that God exists? Check out this video clip!
Is God a Delusion Video: Is there a scientific or philosophical approach to establishing that God is no delusion? What would Dawkins say? You gotta stream this short video now!
Proof Of God Video: Check out this short video clip! Is God real? Is it possible to prove that God exists? Does the universe and earth hold any proof of God? You have to watch this incredible evidence!
Evolutionary Perspective Video: Are there philosophical leaps in evolutionary science? How does evolution deal with the first organisms that arose by chance? You gotta stream this video!
Punctuated Equilibrium Video: How can we use philosophical conjecture to fill the gaps in the fossil record? What theories are the scientists using? Stream this short video clip now!
Frog Soup Video: What do frogs in blenders reveal about the complexity of life? Is life really a miracle? You have to check out this short video clip!
Human Eye Function Video: What do organic subsystems reveal about Irreducible Complexity and Intelligent Design? Why is the human eye impossible? Stream this video clip now!
Miller and Urey Video: How do we get from the sparks of life created by Miller and Urey to the miracle of complex life? Check out this short video clip now!
Creation vs Evolution Video: An awesome video clip of a Giraffe. Did it evolve or was it created? What is the best explanation for this incredible creature? You decide. Find out what the experts think about this.
Cosmogony Video: What caused the Origin of Everything? What are the prevailing cosmogonies, theories, and philosophies of the day?
Evolution Vs Creation Video: Watch this incredible video clip of the Lampsillis Mussle. Is there a logical explanation for how evolution could explain the creation of this mussle? What do experts think about this?
Evidence For Evolution Video: Check out this unbelievable video clip of a Giraffe. Is there a logical explanation for how evolution could explain this incredible creature? What do experts think about this?
SETI Project Video: What impact does the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence have on Intelligent Design Theory? Has anything been discovered? Check this short video out!
Complexity of Life Video: What does all the order and design inherent in nature mean? Is life a miracle? View this short video now!
DNA and Computers Video: What is the greatest scientific discovery ever? What do we know about the digital code inherent in all living things? Watch this incredible video clip now!
Origin of the Universe Video: You have to see this incredible video clip on origins. Are you a creationist or an evolutionist? How does what you believe about this impact your other beliefs?
Evolution Timeline Video: What are the phases of evolution in naturalistic history? Are there interrelated stages in the evolution timeline? Check this short video out!